Google Cloud , AWS & Azure partnerships continue to strengthen

Matt Wilkinson

Advertisers and publishers are increasingly turning to their 1st party data as the source of customer identity, intelligence and fuel for addressability in advertising. With organisations leveraging cloud data technologies such as AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud (GCP) there are more opportunities than ever to accelerate the activation of 1st party data. AUDIENCES is a long standing & trusted partner of AWS, AzureGCP with clients across multiple verticals benefiting from the close working relationships and deep technical integrations.

Earlier this month our Founder & CEO Rob McLaughlin spent time with the GCP partnership team at Google UK discussing and planning the next phase of the relationship and identifying emerging opportunities and challenges for the industry. Speaking after the sessions Rob commented, "As 2024 has got under way organisations, both on the advertiser or publisher side, have found that their requirements for 1st party data activation have moved into critical focus.

Continuing, McLaughlin stated, "Whether driven by their own marketing requirements, audience & data monetisation strategies or the significant revenue opportunities across retail media; organisations are looking to immediately leverage business value from their 1st party customer data available from within their cloud data [AWS, Azure & GCP] environments. Businesses are increasingly creating powerful data assets via data warehouses such as Snowflake, BigQuery & DataBricks which further presents the opportunity to activate at speed and keep key governance aspects relating to data security & privacy at the fore".

Illustrative AUDIENCES flow

Speaking on the opportunities in market, Google Cloud’s worldwide ecosystem and channel leader, Kevin Ichhpurani, said “This is just really showing you how partners are doubling down on their Google Cloud practice(s) because they see enormous potential and that we are where the puck is going. That’s why they’re investing ahead of the curve. Because when you think about the kinds of services that you deliver with Google Cloud, you’re fundamentally driving business transformation as opposed to just lifting and shifting VMs [virtual machines]".

See more information about the AUDIENCES partnership with Google Cloud Platform here. Speak to us today about activating from your AWS, Azure or GCP environment.

Leading advertisers & publishers are already using AUDIENCES to accelerate activation of 1st party data across advertising with zero compromise to privacy or security.

Contact AUDIENCES to discuss how to accelerate activation of your 1st party data.

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1st Party Customer Data for Advertising
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